Apparently I got a review the other day on a website called The Webcomic Overlook. It is I guess pretty fair in that the dude (and/or lady) writing the review does not enjoy my first 400 comics and I guess I can't fault him for that. I think it's maybe a little inaccurate when it says I am a college kid who eats Cool Ranch Doritos™ because even though I am going to night school right now, I'm almost 26 (almost officially in my late 20s) (if you round up) (which I DO) and also I don't really get the navel-gazing criticism really.
I, um, I hope people don't really think that Lincoln is supposed to be analogous to me. He is sometimes but ouch! That would not be very favorable to me.
Anyway if you want to check out the review, please don't be mean in the guy's comments or anything OK?
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