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#526 All the Latest Gossip

All the Latest Gossip
October 1st, 2007

Embarrassing Myself on the Internet Mondays & NEW SHIRTS!!

For this week, by which I mean last week, the song I'm doing is Long Way Home by Tom Waits, and I do my best Waits impression. Well maybe not my best. I could have tried harder probably.

ALSO! Dudes we have two new shirts for sale! They are both hella cool and you should check them out.

Laser Lincoln Attack! Shirt
This one features a giant Abe Lincoln blasting a city with laser eyes! Click here to check it out!

Whereas this one is a little dirty :o ;) Click here to check it out!

You might also notice that the store has been redesigned a bit. I hope it is nicer looking and easier to use for you!

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You should click here to buy some friggin' T-shirts Thinkin' Lincoln updates on Tuesdays Creep House - Miles has another comic now too.

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